"rematérialiser l'architecture du logement"

table ronde avec florence lipsky dans le cadre de la journée dédiée à la recherche (programme engagés pour la qualité du logement de demain). 23 janvier 2024


Conférence inaugurale, école nationale supérieure d'architecture de Nancy

Florence Lipsky, marraine de la promotion 2023-2024. 19 septembre 2023


"Des lieux outils pour FAIRE avec les écoles"

table ronde avec Pascal Rollet dans le cadre des rencontres Bellastock "Faire Ecole". jeudi 9 mars 2023


"Expérimenter la matière à toutes les échelles"

table ronde avec Pascal Rollet dans le cadre des rendez-vous de la matière + fair(e). 12 octobre 2022


"Vénissieux-Grand Parilly: usages libres et appropriants par tous"

table ronde avec florence lipsky au Forum des projets urbains à Lyon. 22 septembre 2022


"Architecture et éco-systèmes"

conférence de florence lipsky dans le cadre de la Biennale d'Architecture et de Paysage à Versailles. samedi 28 mai 2022


"L'architecture et les éléments naturels"

Intervention de Florence Lipsky au Salon NORDBAT 2022 (Lille). Jeudi 31 mars, 18h30


"Logements sociaux avec façade et coursive extérieure MOB "

Présentation de l'opération de Montreuil par Pascal ROLLET, dans le cadre du Forum International Bois Construction 2021(15-17 juillet), le 16 juillet à 14h00, atelier C2


"Intégrer le vivant: l'architecture et la question du milieu"

Colloque Mairie de Saint Denis, 27 et 28 mai 2021. Intervention de Florence LIPSKY.


Emission de radio : "Florence LIPSKY, une architecte entre les murs du Grand Paris"

Fréquence Protestante, 27 avril 2021


" La place des femmes dans l'architecture en Europe"

Conférence de Florence LIPSKY dans le cadre de la journée de la femme (8 mars 2021) et sur invitation de l'ARVHA


"Logement, mixité urbaine et architecture durable: retours d'expérience et vision prospective"

Conférence de Florence LIPSKY dans le cadre des Assises Nationales du Logement et de la Mixité Urbaine, Paris 18 février 2021


"Logement, mixité urbaine et architecture durable : retours d'expérience et vision prospective"

Conférence de Florence Lipsky, Assises Nationales du Logement et de la mixité urbaine, Palis d'Iéna, Paris, 3 novembre 2020


Trajectoires construites _ Journée Internationale des droits des femmes_Table ronde

Intervention de Florence Lipsky, Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, 8 mars 2020


"Petite correspondance à propose de la conception du territoire universitaire"

Conversation entre Adrien FAINSBILDER et Florence LIPSKY, Académie d'Architecture, 4 février 2020


Symposium Recherche et Pratique: "Positionnement de la recherche en architecture"

Intervention de Pascal Rollet pour une présentation de la chaire "Habitat du Futur", ENSA de Montpellier, 18 janvier 2020


Conference 'Strasbourg, a european city'

Florence Lipsky was invited alongside
- Jérôme Clément, founder of the european TV channel Arte,
- George Heintz, architect,
- Anne Demians, architect
- Robert Herrman deputy of the Strasbourg Mayor,
- Alain Kuntzmann project director in charge of participative housing,
- Alfred Peter, Landscaper,
- Roland Recht, Art historian, and
- Veit Straatman, Franco-German Artist 
to brush the portrait of a city in its current configuration. 
How has this metropolis done the most out of its bi-cultural history which renders it one of the most interesting urban labs in France?
Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, Feb. 4th at 19h. 


Of the interest in experimental learning in the field of architecture

Conference of Pascal Rollet given during the Colibri Agora on 
"What architecture to help reconnecting with nature"? 
Lyon - Feb. 2nd and 3rd 


"Architecture: formation, recherche et pratique, quels nouveaux liens?"

Le débat aura lieu à la Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine
Plateforme de la création architecturale
"Architecture: formation recherche et pratique, Quels nouveaux liens?"
Le Jeudi 22 novembre 2018 de 11 à 13h
Une table ronde animée par Jean Louis Cohen réunira Paola Vigano, Nicolas Tixier, Cristiana Mazzoni, Jean Paul Midant, Antoine Picon et Florence Lipsky.


Université de Chengkung (Taïwan)

Conférence donné à la National Chengkung University (Tainan, Taiwan) du 25/07 au  02/08/2018 dans le cadre du programme pour les études internationales en arts et en Design.


Ecoles, universités et autres lieux d'élaboration et de transmission du savoir - D'une quête de visibilité vers celle de l'intelligibilité.

Mardi 13 mars 2018, 17h-20h, EHESS,


Sustainable Housing and eco district Urban Design - Forum on French social Housing - 12.16. 2017 Taoyuan

Presentation of Pascal Rollet and Florence Lipsky on the french vision of Social housing during the Taoyuan seminar on french social housing. Pascal Rollet adressed the theme of sustainable design and eco distric Uban Design, Florence Lipsky discusses Housing case studies. 


Urban-Design and sustainable architecture - 12.12.2017.

Conference of Pascal Rollet and Florence Lipsky at the China Academy of Art, in Hangzhou - China. 


Transmission de la connaissance

Table ronde animée par Olivier Aubert/Temsens avec Florence Lipsky (Lipsky+Rollet architecte), Véronique Benei (directeur de recherche au CNRS),et Wendy MacKay (directrice de recherche INRIA).
Lieu: Unibail Rodamco - Mai 2017


Architecture, Research and Development - ENSAP Bordeaux - Conference Cycle : Words, Practices, Projects

The way housing production in currently done in France, keeps pushing us to the edge: so as to fully support the lifestyle evolutions, so as to provide dwellers a balanced urban environment in which nature finds some space. So what does it mean to practice R&D in an architecture agency? How do you produce innovation? And when is it innovation?


Ryerson University

Conférence de Pascal Rollet
27 octobre, Toronto (Canada


BA16-Big Architecture 16

«Pushing the boundaries of Wood» 
Conférence de Florence Lipsky sur La Maison de l’Inde
21 avril, Lubjana (Slovénie)


COP 21 - Architecture et Patrimoine Durables: le bâtiment et l’urbain face aux enjeux climatiques

Table ronde animée par Pascal Rollet
Le Bourget, 11 décembre


Festival Mode d’emploi

La ville de demain sera-t-elle verte?
Architecture, villes et réchauffement climatique
Table Ronde avec Florence Lipsky
Lyon, le 22 novembre


Enseigner, apprendre l'architecture par l'essai - Table ronde, Cité de l'architecture et du Patrimoine

Pascal Rollet
mardi 20 mai 2014 à 15h00


Habiter la ville du 21ème siècle - BATIMAT, cycle "Architecture & Cities"

Pascal Rollet
mardi 5 novembre 2013


Seminary. University and urban strategy - FNAU, french national federation of planning agencies

Florence Lipsky
ARTEM, campus universitaire de Nancy
18 Juin 2013


Beaune Wood-Construction Forum 2013 - Atelier B5 - Wood architecture of tomorrow

Florence Lipsky
26 Avril 2013
Palais des Congrès, Beaune


University in the city - Sorbonne University

Florence Lipsky
with Nicolas Michelin
April the 23th, 2013
Presentation of ARTEM campus in Nancy, FRANCE


7th "Entretiens de l'Aménagement" (Planning) - Creative city. From the myth to the project

Florence Lipsky
20 Mars 2013
Le Liberté, Esplanade Charles de Gaule, RENNES


R&D in Architecture - National School Of Architecture, Toulouse - France

Pascal Rollet
13 Mars 2013


"R&D in Architecture" - National School Of Architecture, Nancy - France

Pascal Rollet
Mercredi 16 Janvier à 18h.


"R&D - Research and Development in Architecture, Lipsky+Rollet architectes" - Cité de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, Paris

Symposium « Les entretiens de Chaillot »


TODAI FORUM 2011 France (Lyon) - "Aux frontières de la connaissance"-"Chi no kiwa"

"Thinking the Future",
ENS Lyon, october 19th


"To build in wood" - Finland Institute, Paris

Séminaire franco-finlandais sur l’architecture écologique en bois dans le cadre de l’exposition éponyme.


"12 campuses of the 21st century" - Architecture and Heritage Center, Paris

Table ronde sur la vie des campus. Intervention de Florence Lipsky sur la qualité de vie dans les campus du 21e siècle.


"Architecture’s 101 words for common use" - National School of Higher Study of Architecture in Saint Etienne

Conférence dans le cadre de la Fête du Livre, et des Conversations autour du livre d’architecture.


R&D - Research and Development in Architecture, Solar Decathlon International Competition 2011

Symposium "les leçons du Mardi", School of Architecture "Ville et Territoire" in Marne La Vallée-Paris


"Experiencing the la Doua campus and the Orsay Paris Sud campus" - ENPC Paris Tech

"Campus 2009-2010" seminar dedicated to project teams and to serving large university campus building projects in the name of the Minister of Higher Education and Research, organised by the ENPC Paris Tech / Training Center.


"In 2008, September 23rd was the day of global excess. In 2009, this day occured on October 6th." - Architecture and Heritage Center, Paris

Conference that took place during the exhibit "Ecolological Living", a request for international ideas on how to construct living spaces that are ecologically responsible.


"The campus of the 21st Century: Places of comfort dedicated to learning, knowledge and research" - École Normale Supérieure in Lyon

Meetings on the "Lyon City Campus" organised by the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon and the Rhône-Alpes House of Architecture. Florence Lipsky.


"Architecture’s 101 words for common use" - School of Architecture for Cities and Territories at Marne-la-Vallée

Inaugural conference


Passive Houses and Low-Energy buildings - French Institute, Budapest

International conference organised by the Association of Hungarian Architects.
Pascal Rollet.


"The Grande Place, Saint Louis Crystal Museum" - National School of Higher Study of Architecture, Clermont-Ferrand

Pascal Rollet


"Techniques and wooden solutions" - Nantes

Intégral Lipsky + Rollet architects with Olivier Gaujard, presentation of the Saint-Louis Crystal Museum and the Student Residence in Troyes.


"Ongoing Projects" - CSTB

Pascal Rollet


"Think-tank dinner" - Center of Architecture and Heritage, Paris

Dinner organised by Périphériques architects and the Center of Architecture and Heritage at the time of the IFA n°2 trade show. Assisted by Florence Lipsky.


7th Forum on Urban Projects - Cnit, Paris-La Défense

Presentation of the Ile Seguin – Rives de Seine operation in Boulogne-Billancourt (92).
Florence Lipsky, accompanied by Jean-Louis Subileau, Delegate Managing Director of SAEM Val de Seine and François Grether, urban planner.


"Crossings 2007", "Architecture/Design : towards new foldings?" - The Museum of Modern Art in Saint-Étienne

Meetings proposed by the National School of Higher Study of Architecture in Saint-Etienne in partnership with the Center of Design, the Institute of Art & Design - Saint Etienne, and Saint Etienne’s Museum of Modern Art. Florence Lipsky.


The RIAI Irish Architecture Awards Exhibition - Waterford Institute of Technology

Celebration of works by architect John Roberts (1714-1796), a native of Waterford.
Sean Ó’Laoire (Architect & Director of the RIAI) and Florence Lipsky, Award Winning French Architects.


"Move from the architectural idea on Monday to its reality on Friday" - The School of Architecture of Cities and Territories in Marne-la-Vallée

Florence Lipsky, in the context of the seminar "structure and enveloppe".


"Museums and images", - 13th meeting of the COMPA, Chartres

Scenographers and architects, including Florence Lipsky, on the questions « What is a museum? What should it be? » What should be done about its image and what it represents in society ? »


"Is architecture a combat sport ?" - National School of Higher Study of Architecture in Grenoble

Inaugural lecture.
Pascal Rollet.


Conférence - École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles

Conference organised by the Georgia Institute of Technology. Presentation of the agency’s recent works.


From cave to tent: variations" - CSTB

Conference organised during "Cartes blanches". Florence Lipsky and Pascal Rollet.


"To construct in a cultural act", - Order of Architects of the Midi Pyrénées region, Toulouse

Conference during the Architecture Symposium 2006.
Florence Lipsky.


Symposium on interdisciplinarity - Museum of Contemporary Art, Lyon

Convention organised by Florence Lipsky, Ruedi Baur and Sébastien Thiery (Réseau Intégral Concept)


"Dialogue : architecture and graphics " - Bâle Art Museum, Switzerland

Florence Lipsky and Ruedi Baur (Intégral) - interdisciplinary meetings.


"Works" - Minister of Culture and Communication - Department of Architecture

Florence Lipsky and Pascal Rollet upon receiving the Equerre d’Argent Award.


Sustainable Transformations, Prospective Game for a sustainable city project - International Architecture Biennial, Venice 2004

Conference took place when the French Pavillion (as part of the Venice International Architecture Biennial of 2004) organised a consultation. Pascal Rollet with Marc Barani, Michel Bertreux, Jean-Christophe Quinton, Francis Soler.


"Expérimentation & Design Process" - European Association for Architectural Education, Delft

Pascal Rollet


"Works" - Hokkaido Institute of Design, Japon

Projet-03 co-organised by Hokkaido Institute of Design and the Alliance Française of Sapporo.
Florence Lipsky, on the question of « How to manage a campus territory’s history and future ? »


"The urban challenges of French universities" - Paris

In the context of the U3M Plan, round table with Marcel Bazin, Thérèse Cornil, Jean-Richard Cytermann, Florence Lipsky, François Montarras, Christian de Portzamparc and Bernard Pouyet.


"A strategy for Action" - Anymore, Center of Architecture and Heritage, Paris

Seminar organised by Anyone Corporation, New York, MIT Press. Florence Lipsky and Pascal Rollet.


Architecture, gesture and bodies - California College of Arts & Crafts, San Francisco

Florence Lipsky and Pascal Rollet.


"Does contemporary industrial architecture exist ?" - Saline Royale d’Arc-et-Senans

Seminar sponsored by the French Senate. Pascal Rollet.


"What university for the 3rd millenium?" - La Sorbonne, Paris

Seminar supported by the Minister of Education, Research and Technology. Florence Lipsky, presentation of PAN-University.


Seminar on teaching

Seminar on accredited teaching positions in the context of an external competition in 1994. Pascal Rollet spoke about the architecture teaching profession.