Inauguration de la Cité du Soleil ® - Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 _ Versailles

Pascal Rollet, born in 1960 in Grenoble, architect, has been Professor at the Grenoble School of Architecture since 1992. From 2009 onwards, he has been co-directing the "Architecture, Environnement et Cultures Constructives" (AE&CC) research unit which has been labelled LABEX by French Government. During his training he participated to CRATerre groupe researches on earth construction in different developing countries. In 1989, he obtained a master degree from UC Berkeley with Lars Lerup and Stanley Saitowitz. He has been faculty Advisor for the ENSAG-GAIA-INES team in Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 international competition as well as for the Team Rhône-Alpes, winner of the 2012 Solar Decathlon.
Médaille de la prospective 2016 décernée par l'Académie d'Architecture
MA’Arch. University of California at Berkeley
- 1988. Architecte DPLG, Ecole d’Architecture de Grenoble. 1985
- Post Master Certificate in "Earth Architecture". CRAterre-ENSAG. 1987
Richard Lounsbery Foundation fellowship - Academy of Architecture - 1988
Work for Lars Lerup Architect. Berkeley CA, USA, 1990
- Work for Stanley Saitowitz Architects. San Francisco CA, USA, 1989
- Work for Jourda & Perraudin architectes. Lyon, from 1985 to 1987
- Development of social housing projects in raw earth construction with CRAterre. Mayotte Island, from 1982 to 1984.
Chairman of the Board of Administration of the School of Architecture in Grenoble (ENSAG) 2010/2012. Elected member since.
— Professor of architecture at ENSAG, in charge of Architecture & Constructive Cultures Masters program, 1992-2012 ; in charge of first year undergraduate program since 2014.
— Co-Director of Architecture, Environment & Constructive Cultures research unit (AE&CC) at ENSAG since 2009
— Faculty Advisor of team ENSAG-GAIA-INES for Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 - Faculty Advisor of Team Rhône-Alpes for Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 - Director of the Competition Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in Versailles
— Lecturer at School of Arts & Crafts in Paris, from 1999 to 2004
— Lecturer at UC Berkeley Department of Architecture, College of Environmental Design, 1989
The next edition of Solar Decathlon Europe will take place in Versailles (Paris - FRANCE), 2014.La prochaine édition du Solar Decathlon Europe aura lieu à Versailles (Paris) en 2014.
+ d'informations sur www.solardecathlon2014.fr
École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble-Institut National de l'Énergie Solaire-Les Grands Ateliers de L'Isle-d'Abeau
Team Rhône-Alpes won the Solar Decathlon Europe 2012 edition with the Canopea prototype. Pascal Rollet, faculty advisor of the team is proud of the work made by the team and partners.
+ more informations in www.solardecathlon.fr
École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble-Institut National de l'Énergie Solaire-Les Grands Ateliers de L'Isle-d'Abeau
Team Rhône-Alpes is a multidisciplinary team created in 2009 to participate in the competition Solar Decathlon Europe 2010 in Madrid. 20 international teams have designed and built a prototype that only use solar energy. For its first participation, the team finished in fourth place with his innovative project Armadillo Box.
atelier #1 chaire EFF&T
mouvement colibris . 10 août 2020
Lipsky + Rollet par Cite-architecture